Digital Korea co.,ltd INTRODUCTIONS 디케이

Photovoltaic System

Quality is the best
We have many quality certification.
Superior Product Selection System
To improve purveyor's product quality and support the market of small business, it appoints several products which equip the best performance, technique, and product quality, as 'Superior Product' to preferentially supply to demanding organization through a private contract, etc.
EPC.(Excellent Performance Certification)
It promotes the technical development and expands public purchase magnification by supporting the public institutions to preferentially purchase the technical development products of small business which took a performance test by government.
Green Certification
Because of the need to lead the expansion of Green industry's participation to private industry and the rapid growth of technical industry through deducting tax and financial support, Green Certification system was adopted to generate real outcomes of green growth policy by creating infrastructure and inducing active participation of public.
